Brian Falkner
Shooting Stars
Egan Tucker is fifteen and has been in hiding
his entire life. He has never known television, the
Internet or even electricity. He has never seen hot and cold running
water or a flush toilet.
The boundaries of his world are the hills that surround the tiny
valley he calls home.
But Egan's life is about to change.
Forced to leave his home, he must venture out into a world that is unlike anything he has ever known.
He is not ready for this world.
And the world is not ready for Egan

RRP : $22.00
Suggested Age Range: 12yrs +
ISBN: 978-0-6457449-2-7
Pages: 340
Size: 133 x 203mm (5.25 x 8in)
Original Publisher: Scholastic NZ
Available in: Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Europe, Canada
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Teacher Notes
Shooting Stars
Egan Tucker is fifteen and has been in hiding
his entire life. He has never known television, the
Internet or even electricity. He has never seen hot and cold running
water or a flush toilet.
The boundaries of his world are the hills that surround the tiny
valley he calls home.
But Egan's life is about to change.
Forced to leave his home, he must venture out into a world that is unlike anything he has ever known.
He is not ready for this world.
And the world is not ready for Egan

RRP : $22.00

(Suggested Ages: 12yrs +)

Available in:
Australia, New Zealand, USA, UK, Europe, Canada


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